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Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of the Mendocino Coast

FAQ - Questions for Visitors

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What beliefs do your congregation members have?
To some extent, our Fellowship is a haven for spiritual refugees. Most of us had Protestant, Catholic, or Jewish upbringings, but have left those churches because we felt their beliefs were too rigid and limiting, or no longer fit our lives. Some of us follow the essence of those faiths - and call ourselves Christian UUs or Jewish UUs. But most of us would probably call ourselves 'humanists,' seeking to develop our essential human spirituality. Some would say they are agnostics or atheists; and a few would say they're Buddhists or that they believe in earth-based-spirituality. All of us believe in the individual search for truth and creating a deeper meaning in life. You can read more on our Beliefs page.

Are you connected to the Unity Church, or the Unification Church?
No, other than our name starts with "Uni". UUs are a mainstream liberal religion with roots that go back to the early Christian era. UUs have been a progressive force in religion and humanity through the ages. Some famous Unitarians and Universalists include: Thomas Jefferson (and four other Presidents), Ben Franklin, Albert Schweitzer, Frank Lloyd Wright, Charles Darwin, Susan B. Anthony, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Isaac Newton, Alexander Graham Bell, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., Florence Nightingale, Pete Seeger, and Andrew Young.

Where can I get answers to other questions I have about Unitarian Universalism?
We'd suggest the Unitarian Universalist Association, our national organization.
Their FAQ page, About UU is an especially helpful page covering all sorts of questions.

Questions about Unitarian Universalism? Ask Rick Childs,

Questions about our web site? Ask Ted Pack: